#Metoo, #Metoo, OMG #Metoo
I’m so impressed with these woman. Finally these creepy predators are being called out for their outrageous behavior. It’s about time. Bravo to all of these women.
That’s what I thought when the #MeToo movement first started. I also thought, “How lucky it wasn’t me.” I never had to deal with this kind of abusive behavior. Lucky, right? I felt that way for a couple of months until one day. I suddenly realized, “OMG, it happened to me. How could I have forgotten about it?”
I was around 18. That’s just a year older then my granddaughter! I was working at a very cool women’s store at State Beach in Santa Monica. It was called The Leisure Class. We sold bikinis, pants and shirts.
State Beach is at the end of Chautauqua Boulevard in Santa Monica. There was a great hamburger stand and our shop The Leisure Class.
I worked with my girlfriend and It was great fun because we were at the coolest beach where friends would always stop by and say “hello.” But at the same time I was young. Oh, I wasn’t dumb. I had my sense about me. I would be asked to pose for photos. Don’t worry, I was very wary and my girlfriend kept a watch out for me.
There was this guy. Let’s call him JR. He was a Big Man On Campus (BMOC). Yep, and a fraternity guy to boot. The first time I met him he was dating this woman who actually drank scotch on the rocks and smoked. I was very impressed with her sophistication. I was nothing like that. I didn’t smoke or drink. Don’t tell my grandkids but I did have a false ID. How I got that I don’t know. I don’t even know why I got it because I was clueless when it came to drinking. I never drank nor would I know what to drink. Smoking burned my throat and made me cough. Listen, I didn’t understand what coffee was all about either, it was so bitter. I really tried to be sophisticated but I failed in a big way. But I worked at The Leisure Class.
One day, this BMOC calls me at the beach shop. “Hey, how about going out on Friday night?” “Sure, I’d love to.” Whoa, that was a big deal. JR calling me and wanting to go out????? Yikes. What will I wear?
Yep, a white Thunderbird convertible with White leather seats. That says it all.
Friday comes, I haven’t eaten anything. No time. I get dressed at the store, I chose a beautiful white linen top and skirt. JR picks me up in his BRAND NEW WHITE THUNDERBIRD CONVERTIBLE WITH WHITE LEATHER SEATS and he tells me we’re going to meet another couple at Kelbos. Remember Kelbos? Of course you don’t. It was a Hawaiian themed restaurant. Leather curved booths with darkened lights, ships ropes and nautical stuff on the walls. All things dark, plus great Hawaiian ribs.
Everyone loved those drinks and those Hawaiian ribs. Yum.
Yep, a Mai Tai.
We join our friends and JR asks me what I’d like to drink. Of course I have no idea so he suggests a Mai Tai. The colored photos in the menu looked pretty to me so I said “yes”. When it came I thought it was so good. It tasted like red party punch. What did I know. I drank it down. He asked if I’d like another one. “Sure” I said, So two Mai Tais down and nothing to eat. He then suggests we go out to the car and drive somewhere else. “OK”, I say. I get up and feel the room kinda going in circles. But I’m OK enough to get into the BRAND NEW WHITE CONVERTIBLE WITH WHITE LEATHER SEATS. I slide into the car which was parked in the back of the restaurant. Suddenly JR starts making moves towards me, actually pouncing on me. I try to politely push him away but he’s having none of that, He keeps on forcing himself on me. I keep on pushing him away when suddenly I toss my cookies all over the BRAND NEW WHITE THUNDERBIRD CONVERTIBLE WITH WHITE LEATHER SEATS. Not only did I vomit on him, the car, the white leather seats, and down the electric window well, but also down the front of my white linen dress. It was nasty.
But, JR stopped attacking me,
We drove back to the store, I changed into my work clothes, threw away my tossed cookie clothes .He drove me home and I walked into my house looking like the good girl I was.
He sold the car. He could never get it completely clean because of me throwing up down the window well. I never dated him again and never told anyone about the attack either. I haven’t had a Mai Tai since nor driven in an BRAND NEW WHITE CONVERTIBLES WITH WHITE LEATHER SEATS either.
How about you? Have you ever had too many Mai Tais? Thrown up in car?